Last Day on Earth
The Laboratory
The second floor: a greenhouse and a technical compartment
Hi survivors! We’re very proud of how you’ve coped with the first stage of resistance to the infestation - the antidote development. However, the threat is not receding yet, so it’s time to get closer to its source. The entrance to the Laboratory is open, giving a start to an exploration of this dangerous place. New enemies, dangerous bosses, tricky traps, and valuable rewards - all these are already waiting for you behind the gate. All you have to do now is to take a step forward!
The exploration of the Lab will start with some preps. First, you have to get the power back on and access the lower floors. The reactor, which you must’ve noticed at the entrance, will help you with that. Reviving the reactor requires organic resources, including the freshly-added seaweed. It can be found on the island locations.
Once the reactor is started, the elevator will take you to the second floor of the Lab – this is where the most exciting stuff is going to happen. Expect several sectors, two of which will be available for clearing out with this update. One of them is a greenhouse where players are going to find plants and spores. The other available sector is a technical compartment, and there you’ll have to deal with electricity. Apart from monsters, both of the available sectors will be packed with dangerous traps. Be careful!
One of the most important elements of this update will be a terminal found at the entrance to every sector. This panel will add a little bit of spice to the Lab completion: due to special perks, your character will get some advantages, while clearing-out will get more complicated, and unique rewards – nicer. These are going to make every sally to the Lab more interesting and provide a special experience from every next step along its dark corridors.
New enemies, which the players are to encounter, are also on the list. More monsters that have been affected by the infestation are dwelling on the second floor of the Lab. The clash with them may be a serious challenge for an unprepared survivor, so the new guns of the Genesis corporation and medical supplies will definitely come in useful. However, the rewards obtained in battle with the lab dwellers will be certainly worth the efforts.
Important information for the players who have already assembled the generator at the Island Watchtower location, but haven't fixed the lighthouse there yet. The resources from the generator turned out to be stolen after the raid of greedy pirates. But don't you get upset – you can find the same resources right there, at the same location!
Survivors, the fight against the infestation has progressed to the next stage and it’s just the time to face the dangers hidden on the inside of the Laboratory. Are you ready to challenge murderous opponents and get closer to the source of the infestation? Then stock up on weapons and equipment – new trials and rewards are waiting! See you in the game!
P.S. Dear Android users, the update will be available on your OS in a few days. Thank you for your patience and support.
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